107: (1) How the Camera Works

OBJECTIVE: To explore how a motion picture camera functions.

Frame - a single picture or still image
Persistence of Vision - the mind filling in the gaps between frames
Frames per Second (f/s) - the number of pictures or frames flashed in one second. Ex. Film 24 f/s, TV 30 f/s, DV 30 f/s

1. Read p. 1-3 in Handout
2. Answer Camera Questions in Notebook
3. Finish Graph and MI test

Why do we see movies move?

Bring Notebooks
Finish Camera Questions
Look at a fan with only the light from a TV

How the Camera Works Questions:
1. Why does the eye see things upside down? (HINT: Think about the shape of the eyeball.)

2. Why don't we feel like our world is upside down?

3. How many frames do your eyes see in a one minute film? (HINT: film is 24 f/s)

4. How many frames do your eyes see in a one hour film?

5. Which of these would win in a seeing contest? Your brain, your eyes or a video camera? Why?

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